Tag Archives: short Christmas jokes

Top 10 Christmas Jokes and Riddles

8 Dec

The holiday season has started and the festive spirit is seen all around. With Yuletide knocking on the door, people have started making preparations for parties and get-togethers. Apart from the arrangements like deciding on the menu, inviting guests, making decorations, you should also keep in mind about the entertainment. A Christmas joke can also be a good source of entertainment for your guests. You can crack these jokes in parties or even within your own family members. You can have family members gather around the Christmas tree and share jokes and riddles with them ushering in the festival with laughter. If you want to stock up some good jokes or riddles, you can have a look at these top 10 riddles and jokes.

Top 5 Yuletide jokes

There are numerous Christmas jokes which you can share with your near and dear ones. We are listing 5 jokes which you can have in stock and use them this year.

1.    “Sometimes I get the feelin that if Christmas, Father’s Day and birthdays did not exist, then aftershave too, would not exist. “

2.    “Christmas is the time when people put so many bulbs on the outside of their houses, you don’t know if they’re celebrating the birth of Jesus or General Electric.”

3.    “Christmas: When you exchange hellos with strangers and good buys with friends.”

4.    “How many presents can Santa fit in an empty sack?

Only one, after that it’s not empty anymore!”

5.    “What do snowmen eat for breakfast?


Top 5 Yuletide Riddles

Apart from Christmas jokes, here are some riddles which you can also use during this occasion.

1.    “What does a cat on the beach have in common with Christmas?

Sandy Claws!”

2.    “What do elves learn in school?

The elf-abet.”

3.    “What Christmas Carol is a favorite of parents?

Silent Night”

4.    “What is the difference between the Christmas alphabet and the ordinary alphabet?

The Christmas alphabet has No L (Noel)”

5.    “What kind of bird can write?

A pen-guin.”

So this Yule, you can definitely use these Christmas jokes and riddles and increase the fun.