Archive | August, 2014

Easy to perform Christmas Church Plays

26 Aug

Generally yuletide plays performed at churches are written bearing in mind that they should be easy to perform in the absence of extensive theater infrastructure or professional actors. These plays are simple theatrical productions that are easily performed by amateur actors and bearing in mind that most are even performed by little children, the storyline and performances are most often simple yet impaction. The tradition of staging plays during yuletide season has been passed down from a long time back and the earliest instances of little yuletide plays being performed refers to the re-enactments of the nativity story which is considered the easiest Christmas play.

Christmas play for church

The nativity story is also the most widely seen Christmas play for church and nowadays it is being reinvented with humorous dialogue and additional characters however the essence of the story remains the same. Another impactful yet easy to enact Christmas play is the little match girl which is originally a short story written by Hans Christian Anderson. This popular play has a common Christian theme that emphasizes on love and charity towards to socially backward and underprivileged. This is just a prime example of many such easy to perform plays that emphasize on charity and goodwill towards all men.

Christmas Pageant Script

22 Aug

The concept of pageant came into existence in the olden days. In those days groups of people would plan and stage plays in moving ‘open’ caravans. These caravans or wagons were known as pageants; Ever since the term has stuck to any colourful and dramatic displays for public viewing.

Christmas pageant script

The key to organizing a successful function as part of a parade or tableau is impeccable planning. The next important aspect is to choose an easy to perform, short script. The reason for doing so is the fact that the play has to be repeatedly enacted as the parade moves on along the parade path.

Santa’s processions or Christmas parades are a common feature is several parts of the world. Christmas pageant scripts are as much in demand as they used to be in the olden days.

Most parades are organized to officially herald the beginning of yuletide. Performers, skate, dance and play musical bands to entertain children and crowds. Plays and skits are performed on moving tableaus and in most cases are highlights of these festivities.  Nowadays it is not hard to lay hands on a good script. There are plenty available on the Internet. It is important these are interesting, entertaining and have a moral message

Traditional Christmas Play for Church

10 Aug

Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Jesus. Plays are performed in churches and schools by the Christian community. Other groups with secular beliefs also celebrate the festival, minus the religious aspect. The Nativity Story is widely performed as play in many churches. Besides about the new born Jesus (kids love this aspect of the story), adults and kids also get many life lessons from it.

A story with many facets

Nativity of Jesus is an incredible story. It has many facets which makes it quite engaging each time it is staged. This is the reason lots of aspects can be focused on every year. Every year churches stress on different aspects of the story and try to make it more appealing to the mass, especially children. This is counted among the most popular Christmas church plays.

Christmas church plays

The central theme

Though the story has different aspects, its central theme remains unchanged. The primary message of the story is that God loves us and sent his Son to be our Savoir. Each Christmas the story is staged with kids or even adults enacting the roles of Mary, Joseph, Wise Men and othera

How Do They Celebrate Yule In Alaska?

7 Aug

While Christianity originated in a totally different part of the world, Alaska is almost considered the home of the ‘white Christmas’ that we are so fond of. Alaska has made an identity for itself as the home of Santa; and the North Pole and yuletide season here is indeed a special time of the year. Generally Alaska is a pretty low key state in America but come winter the place comes to life with all the trappings of a traditional Christmas.

Alaskans celebrate this festival with their own unique traditions and a few common ones too. So while the Christmas tree, Santa and his Elves and Nativity story are all general aspects of yuletide season here and the rest of the world, Alaskans have their own special traditions too.

For example in this part of the country children visit houses carrying a long pole with a brightly colored star attached to the top singing carols and making merry.

Christmas in Alaska

Alaskans have their own special yuletide treats too. Some of the common delectable’s served at family feast are maple frosted doughnuts, candies, different kinds of cookies, pies and puddings. Many even sing special songs during this time of the year in the local dialect which has yuletide themes like “Christ is born” or “God be with you”. The specialty of Christmas in Alaska is the fact that it is truly white Christmas.



Controversies surrounding the Christmas tree

2 Aug

In the olden days there were groups who opposed the custom of setting up X Mas trees; and branded the practice as a Pagan ritual! In fact the early Christian Church as far back as in the 3rd century strictly prohibited people from bringing in pine trees for decorating on X Mas. Evergreen boughs were boycotted as well!

Controversies surrounding the Christmas tree

The great Prophet Jeremiah was against the custom of felling a tree and bringing it home for ornamentation. To quote him, “Jeremiah 10:2-4: “Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.”

A large number of English puritans have gone out of the way to condemn rituals and practices that reflect joy and cheer. According to them these are “heathen traditions,” that spoil the sanctimonious nature of the feast.

Today though the tree is a symbol of secularism and hope! People decorate their own every year to demonstrate their faith in goodness and hope for a better year ahead!So the history of Christmas tree is surrounded by controversies