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Christmas Shopping In Amsterdam

10 Jul

Amsterdam is a tourist’s delight in more ways than one. The quaint cities, rustic villages and usual tourist hubs all go in to making Amsterdam a must visit destination however what surprises most visitors to the country is the myriad shopping opportunities here. Most people are aware that Amsterdam’s Christmas markets are a special December feature in this country. Read further to know more.

Special Stalls

A visit to the main tourist strip near Central Station at around December time is sure to enthrall you. The wide array of festive stalls selling anything and everything to do with the yuletide season never cease to amaze. This is a great venue to catch up on your Christmas shopping and the best place to buy knick-knacks for loved ones and ornate Christmas decorations.

Leidseplien and Koningsplien

Located on the ends on Leidesestraat, Liedseplien and Koningsplien are the most visited destination in Amsterdam for yuletide seasonal shopping. These places are tourists delight and are known for the multiple festive stalls that sell all kinds of Christmas gift items. You are bound to enjoy Christmas shopping here as much as your loved ones enjoy the gifts you get them from these very special Christmas markets.
