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Facts About The American Independence Day

24 Jun

The American Independence Day is a day of much festivity and celebration all across the United States. It is common to come across elaborate parades, 4th of July fireworks, barbecues, carnivals, fairs, picnics, concerts, baseball games and family reunions on Independence Day. However even whilst we indulge in this festivities digging deeper into the history of American Independence and learning a few new facts could possibly be of great interest. Read further to learn more.

The American Independence Day

Freedom from British Rule

As a result of the American Revolution, the legal separation of the Thirteenth Colonies from Great Britain took place on 2nd July, 1776. On the 4th July the Declaration of Independence which is one of America’s greatest manuscripts that declared freedom from British Rule was approved and signed by Congress. This was the date which was later adopted as the date for the American Independence Day. However there is some debate in regards to the date amongst historians. Many historians dispute the fact that Congress actually signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4th. John Adams who was amongst the Committee of Five that drafted the Declaration of Independence declared the 2nd of July as the date for celebrating Independence Day as this was the day on which the Declaration of Independence was approved in a closed session of Congress.