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Mexican Christmas traditions

23 Sep

Mexico though celebrates X Mas just as other cultures across the world do, it boasts of its own unique set of customs and rituals. There is a distinct Spanish influence though Mexicans have their own set of rituals, which they follow religiously. Over the years there have been a lot of significant changes to Navidad Christmas carnival celebrations and household festivities. The key change is perhaps the impact of U.S. culture and dominance of Christmas tree over the traditional ‘Nativity scene’. The Nativity scene at some point of time back in history was the central Navidad theme in all Christian households.

Mexican Christmas traditions

The religious fervour begins on December 16th when most neighbourhoods in Mexico organize large processions. These are called posadas and generally consist of people dressed up in period costume and make up. The key actors included Virgin Mary and Joseph. Besides them other characters include shepherds, shepherdesses, priests, and others. Sheep and cattle also forma part of this interesting procession. The posada is symbolic of Joseph looking for a inn or a stable so Mary could give birth to the child Christ.

The group sings villancicosnavideños or Cristmas carols as they move from one home to another. Mosts homes are treated as inn and the head of the family as inn keeper. In most cases homes do not allow Joseph in. Finally the house that lets the members of the procession in arranges a feast consisting of fruit punch, tejacotes and snacks.

Each household that receives the procession on all nine days follows the tradition of breaking the Pinatain the evening. They also give away bags full of dry fruits or the Aguinaldo to the members of the procession.

Christmas in New York is more than just a carnival

30 Jul

Christmas in New York is truly a spectacular experience. The state receives a fair amount of snowfall every December, which sets the ambiance for a real white Christmas however that’s not all. The whole of New York and New York City in particular comes alive with sights and sounds every year when yuletide season comes along. Tourists from all over the country and the world flock to this destination to be a part of the special festivities. Manhattan, Brooklyn, Central Park and Madison Square are just few primary locations that are lit up and spruced up for Christmas. The shopping districts are buzzing with activity all through December and X Mas is definitely in the air.

Christmas carnival

As a matter of fact yule in New York is so much more than one big Christmas carnival and one can easily enjoy a wide range of entertainment such as special Christmas spectaculars and Broadway shows. Whilst in New York City during this time of the year one may want to experience the Radio City Christmas Spectacular or Broadway renditions of the all time Christmas classic “The Nutcracker”. New York is definitely a city that is a patron of the arts and yuletide season in the region clearly reflects that.

Christmas Carnivals in New York

21 Jul

Whilst in New York, one simply cannot miss out on any festive extravaganzas that take place in the area during yuletide season. Every celebration in New York is larger than life and so is Christmas. Visitors from all over the world come to New York City at around this time of the year to enjoy spectacular yuletide events and then ring in the New Year with the street revelers on Times Square.

In fact a Christmas Carnival in New York is one such yuletide extravaganza that one can’t easily forget. The world carnival generally refers to special parades and also fairs and New York during Christmas has plenty of both.

Christmas Carnival

The Carnivals generally take place throughout the month of December and they are quite a few to be able to mention all. However the levels of festive fun are the same at each venue. The street parades that take place in New York during yule season are bright and colorful displays that are accompanied by dancers, singers, special music and floats. The fairs are equally special events where one can enjoy lots of carnival food, games and even purchase knick-knacks and souvenirs.