Tag Archives: Independence Day

Facts About The Declaration Of Independence

23 Jun

4th of July was the day in 1776 when the Declaration of Independence was adopted. The document embodies the aspiration of the people of the United States (13 colonies presented the statement seeking their freedom from the British rule) to be free. Here are some interesting facts about the historic document.

Facts about the Declaration of Independence

The Declaration was presented on July 2

The declaration was presented on July 2nd before the Continental Congress. Though the vote of Independence took place on the same day, the Declaration was signed on July 4th after it was edited. Thus the day is celebrated as Independence Day of the United States.

celebrated as Independence Day

56 delegates signed the document

56 delegates representing the 13 American colonies signed on the document. All these people did not sign it on July 4, 1776. The statement was signed over a period of one month.

The statement was primarily penned by Thomas Jefferson

The Declaration of Independence was primarily drafted by Thomas Jefferson, one of the founding fathers of the independent USA. Jefferson penned it while seeking constant feedback and corrections from John Adams and Benjamin Franklin. The final document went through heavy edits after it was presented before the Continental Congress.

Facts about America’s Independence Day

20 Jun

American Independence Day is a national holiday that commemorates freedom from the British Crown and is widely celebrated all over the United States. The significance of this important day demands that we take a close look in to the history of the nation and pick out a few interesting facts that are worth reading about. Read further to know more.

Common History

Similar to India and quite a few other countries, America’s fight for freedom was against the British Crown. America gained its freedom pretty early on in 1776 unlike India in 1947.

Founding Fathers

The American Independence Day was made public by the Declaration of Independence which was presided over by the founding fathers of this great nation. Thomas Jefferson presided over a committee of five including John Adams and Benjamin Franklin to draft out this great document.

Date Issues

There has been much debate amongst historians about the date on which Independence Day is celebrated. Fourth of July is widely accepted however the 2nd of the month was the day on which the Congress initially approved the declaration of Independence in a closed session. The date on the document is however the Fourth of July which came to be the accepted date.

Independence Day is celebrated