Traditional Christmas Play for Church

10 Aug

Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Jesus. Plays are performed in churches and schools by the Christian community. Other groups with secular beliefs also celebrate the festival, minus the religious aspect. The Nativity Story is widely performed as play in many churches. Besides about the new born Jesus (kids love this aspect of the story), adults and kids also get many life lessons from it.

A story with many facets

Nativity of Jesus is an incredible story. It has many facets which makes it quite engaging each time it is staged. This is the reason lots of aspects can be focused on every year. Every year churches stress on different aspects of the story and try to make it more appealing to the mass, especially children. This is counted among the most popular Christmas church plays.

Christmas church plays

The central theme

Though the story has different aspects, its central theme remains unchanged. The primary message of the story is that God loves us and sent his Son to be our Savoir. Each Christmas the story is staged with kids or even adults enacting the roles of Mary, Joseph, Wise Men and othera

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